They say a smile's worth a thousand words. Just the simple act of smiling can breed trust, make you happier, and may even help you to live longer.

Most of us forget how to smile genuinely over time, but this 3-step guide will not only teach you to smile more authentically, but also how to make the most out of your smile:

Imagine a situation of joy before an event

People can always tell if you have a smile on your face, even if they don’t see you. The best ways to make your smile more genuine and real is to visualize someone you deeply love, or recall an event that brought you deep satisfaction and joy. Practice this before making a phone call or even before writing an email. You'll be surprised on how much it can affect your mood.

Practice smiling in front of the mirror

The power of a smile, even practiced in the mirror is that it can invoke the emotion immediately. While standing in front of the mirror, pay close attention to both your mouth corners and your eye sockets until it feels like your smile is genuine.

Become comfortable with smiling

Developing a better smile means you'll have to get used to the idea of smiling a lot. A good way is to imagine yourself going through the day and smiling lots to everyone and everything. This might seem like a small change in thinking, but this is actually the most important step of the process.