Friendship is pretty important. Some best friends stick with us forever, while others join us at different parts in our lives. More often than not, they all serve different purposes by giving us meaning in our lives. And here are the most common types that you will find among every group of friends:

1. The "Kapster" Guy

This is the guy who never seems to know when to shut up. Whether it's telling a story or asking for advice, you can bet that he's going to butt in on the conversation.

2. The "Come Let's Go" Guy

Want someone to tag along with you to buy DVDs ? Feel like going out to makan at 3AM in the morning? Need someone to babysit your pet fish when you're out of town? Then this guy is just the guy to call. Rain or shine, you just know you can count on his presence (even when he's not invited).

3. The "Freeloader"

This is the guy who always seems to forget his wallet/cigarettes at home. And he swears on his grandfather's grave that the next round will be on his dime. Yeah right.

4. The "Cannot" Guy

Talk about being negative. You can't remember the last time this person said yes to anything. Whenever you call to hang out, he's always too busy. Or if you ask them how to go about a problem, they'll immediately tell you its impossible and you should just quit while you're ahead.

5. The "Mr-Know-It-All"

From buying houses to how to deliver a baby, this person always seems to know everything about any topic under the sun. And because he knows everything, he often feels compelled to share his wisdom with everyone (even if no one really asked for his advice in the first place).

6. The "Deal Man"

Looking to buy a new handphone/computer/car? This is the guy you call first. Just like a human Groupon, he always seems to know where the best deals are. Too bad you can't fit him into your pocket.