Underwear is big business. Everyone needs it. Everyone wears it. So how do you get a piece of the underwear pie if you're a newcomer? You go out of your way to create unique ones and hope they pick on. These 10 however, probably only found life on novelty shop shelves.

1. Rice miso soup chopstick bra


Why you won't wear it: Extremely cumbersome. Doesn't work if you have larger boobs.

2. Fundies - underwear for two


Why you won't wear it: Imagine two most ridiculous ideas you have. Now put them in one idea.

3. Shopping bra bag


Why you won't wear it: Because no one gets it.

4. Headlights bra


Why you won't wear it: You're not in an Austin Powers movie.

5. Forget-me-not panties


Why you won't wear it: A GPS tracker in panties? Not a good idea. Also: VERY WRONG!

6. Anti-flatulence underwear


Why you won't wear it: Because this is the unsexiest thing ever.

7. Push-up underwear


Why you won't wear it: Getting a fake moose knuckle doesn't seem very comfortable.

8. Weight-loss underwear


Why you won't wear it: For sweaty reasons?

9. Gaelic loincloth


Why you won't wear it: Are you...Tarzan? Or 16th century Scottish?

10. Electric G-String Underwear with LED Display


Why you won't wear it: Because this is super dumb.