Zack Danger Brown is on a mission to make the world's most expensive side dish - potato salad. He hasn't even decided what kind yet. Check it out:


Zack said, "[my original goal was] $10. I thought I could possibly get to $20 and have to make potato salad with a stranger. Now I get to make potato salad with the whole internet! Someone said they could help me set up a live stream, so I guess we’re doing that!”

There have been over 600 backers and $3,500 raised already.

He had better make a killer potato salad.

Here are some details:

Pledge $1 or more - You will get a ‘thank you’ posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad.

Pledge $50 or more - POTATO SALADS OF THE WORLD: Receive a recipe book with potato salad recipes inspired by each country where we have a backer along with a bite of the potato salad, a photo of me making the potato salad, a 'thank you' posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad. The recipe book will have a dedication page with the name of each of our backers.

Currently, every new goal that's been set has been reached. As of right now, Zack's planning to rent out a hall for every person who's donated $10 or more for a potato salad party.

"The internet loves potato salad! Let's show them that potato salad loves the internet!!"

Support Zack's potato salad efforts on his Kickstarter.

Somehow, this doesn't sound like a deal you'll want to make.