What was the most expensive thing you've bought in your life? Whatever it is, it can't be as expensive as these crazy things celebrities have bought. Talk about splurging your wealth, this is taking it to the next level. Check out the 19 ridiculously expensive things that celebrities have bought in the list below:

1. Bono’s $1,700 Plane Ticket For His Hat

Bono bought a plane ticket for his hat. He flew his hat over to Italy in its own first class seat for the price of $1,700. He must really, really love that hat.

2. Beyonce Buys Blue Ivy Barbie Doll For $85 Thousand

Toys "R" Us wasn't the shopping destination for Beyonce. Instead, she bought a diamond encrusted Barbie which was custom made and featured 160 gems and jewels in white gold. Blue Ivy had better play with this until she's 35.

3. Victoria Beckham’s $10,000 Baby Monitor

Victoria Beckham bought a $10,000 baby monitor for her daughter Harper. It was also customized, and decorated in butterflies and painted by artist Damien Hirst.

4. Tom Cruise Buys Sonogram Machine For an Estimated $200 Thousand

Tom Cruise bought a sonogram machine so he could monitor his then fiance, now ex-wife Katie Holmes' pregnancy.

5. Katy Perry Buys Russell Brand Space Trip on Virgin Galactic For $200 Thousand

Katy Perry splurged big on Russell Brand. For his 35th birthday, she bought him a trip to space on billionaire Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic Space Venture.

6. Daniel Radcliffe bought a $17,000 Mattress

If sleep is important to you, then you might just spend as much as Daniel Radcliffe on a mattress. He bought one costing $17,000. It wasn't just any mattress. It was a custom-made Savoir mattress, made using materials such as fine horse hair and customized to the buyer's specifications.

7. Gaga bought a $50,000 Ghost Detector

Not only is she wacky in dressing, but also attitude. Gaga bought a ghost detector worth $50,000. Damien from Shark Tank would probably tell you there's a guy he knows who'll do all the ghost detecting for her for $40,000.

8. Beyoncé’s $100,000 Leggings

Beyonce's leggings is very expensive. So much that it cost $100,000 for a pair of gold Balenciaga leggings made of cashmere and metal. She wore it during a performance. Probably likely to auction for even more if she does intend to sell it.

9. Mike Tyson’s $140,000 Tigers

Mike Tyson bought three Bengal tigers. He has been seen playing with them, and hopefully they don't decide to eat him one day.

10. Paris Hilton’s $325,000 Dog House

How much are you willing to spend on your dog? Paris Hilton bought a dog house costing $325k. It comes with their own mini-mansion grounds, and is air conditioned and has designer furniture, a balcony, a crystal chandelier and a wardrobe for all their outfits.

11. Angelina Jolie Buys Brad Pitt A Waterfall For An Undisclosed Amount

When you run out of ideas of what to buy for your loved ones, buy them a waterfall. Angelina Jolie bought Brad Pitt a waterfall in California and its surrounding land.

12. Rihanna’s $1 Million Hair

Rihanna invests huge amounts of money on her appearance, and she's known to spend $1 million per year on her hair alone.

13. Kim Basinger’s $20 Million Town

If clothes aren't your thing, how about buying a town? That's what Kim Basinger did. She bought the small town of Braselton for $20 million, but was forced to sell it after she was sued by a production company.

14. Lady Gaga buys Michael Jackson's Clothes for hundreds of thousands

Lady Gaga bought Michael Jackson's clothes for tons of money. From the jacket that cost $240 thousand and a pair of MJ's crystal encrusted gloves for more than $100k, she's collected quite a bit of his wardrobe.

15. Miley Cyrus Buys Doggy Car For $400 Thousand

If you think Paris Hilton's dog house is crazy, then Miley Cyrus's doggy car is worse. She bought one for $400k - a Range Rover sport for them to cruise around in.

16. Brad Pitt buys a tank

Instead of cars, why not buy a tank? That's what Brad Pitt did when he finished filming World War Z. No word on whether he'll be driving it out anytime soon.

17. Kanye West Buys 10 Burger King Franchises For An Estimated $7.5 Million

Days before they were going to tie the knot, Kanye West gave Kim Kardashian 10 Burger King franchises for an estimated $7.5 million.

18. James Cameron Buys Walnut Farm For $20 Million

You'd think James Cameron would be buying up boats and yachts, but he spent $20 million on a Walnut farm in New Zealand. He owns more than 2500 acres in New Zealand.

19. Jay-Z buys racehorse for $55 million

How much is a racehorse worth? A lot if you asked Jay-Z. Because he bought one - California Chrome - costing him $55 million.