Bo Staff is an actual sport it seems. And this is the sport's sexiest professional. Also, you might not want to mess with him. Donatello has nothing on this guy. First, check out the video.

Pretty insane right? Now check out how Nick Bateman looks like. He's the sexiest Bo Staffer around!


He's also probably a spornosexual. 


His good looks are getting more attention than his Bo Staffing! Also, he's a cat guy.


Studs hang out with studs.


None of his friends own a shirt.


He likes to take these kind of pics.

Watch another video of him with a bo staff:

Seriously, none of his friends own a shirt. Are they all spornosexuals?


He's got one friend who isn't: Jonah Hill.

But other times, he'll be chilling with other hot guys.

Or he'll be training.

Are all these guys bo staffers too?
