20 Struggles Only Women Will Understand
1. Putting on makeup.
There's just too many things that go on our face.
2. We have to wear bras. They are sometimes uncomfortable, but we have to wear them anyway.
And we definitely can't do this in public. A big no-no!
3. Wearing skinny jeans is awesome.
Or not? Seriously, why has fashion dictated that smaller is better?
4. We get discriminated a lot, just because we're women.
You mean women aren't supposed to have high-level executive jobs?
5. Bad hair days.
It happens more often than not. And if that's not the case, we get bored of the style pretty quickly.
6. Periods.
Every woman wishes there was a button they could push every month to get periods over and done with in a second.
7. Unlike guys, we don't get to just take off our clothes cos it's hot.
We've got to suffer in sweat. Plus we're also wearing at least two layers of clothing.
8. Visible panty line.
No one likes visible panty lines. Thank god for thongs and g-strings. But no thanks to wedgies. They're the worse. Try walking around in anal floss. I guarantee you it isn't fun.
9. Period bloating. It's a bloody real thing.
We need that one-button push to solve our periods, seriously.
10. Zits. They never truly leave us.
Blame them on hormones. Damn you, hormones!
11. Eyeliner and all that jazz.
Sure, this is part of makeup, but have you ever tried putting a pencil so close to your eye that if you missed, there goes your eye?
12. We've got to worry about camel toes.
Needless to say, it is pretty embarrassing.
13. We can't really run in a bikini.
Kate Upton looks like she's having fun, but believe me, she isn't. So unless we get paid to run in a bikini, this is a big time NO.
14. Curling irons or straighteners are hot, and might burn our faces.
We've got to look good, AND not burn our face in the process.
15. Looking good in bikinis.
Not everyone looks like Miranda Kerr. How much boob do you want to show? How much vagina? How much butt? There's just so many things to consider.
16. Walking in heels.
There was a rumor that Victoria Beckham wears heels on a treadmill, but we believe that's just utter bullshit. Heels are beautiful, but they are more uncomfortable than they look. No pain no gain, right?
17. Purses. Clutches. FML.
Like clothes, not all bags will match our wardrobe.
18. People asking us why haven't we gotten married yet.
That's just...rude.
19. People only liking us for our looks, but there's so much more.
I have a degree in psychology.
20. We don't practice looking awesome.
We just naturally are.
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