There are tons of romantic movies, but almost everyone of them is an unrealistic view about love. Here are the top 9 that have the most unrealistic expectations on love.

The Notebook


Noah wrote Allie 365 letters, and she didn't even bother to reply. There's something troubling about this if you asked me.

The Fault in Our Stars


Gus convinces Hazel to pull him out of the friend-zone. Chances of this happening in real life is pretty close to zero. Once friend-zoned - forever friend-zoned.

A Walk To Remember


Landon literally *fought* his best friends for Jamie. Too bad having no friends is probably worse.

A Cinderella Story


Austin posted flyers around the campus trying to find his mystery Cinderella. He should have just Facebooked her.



Edward devotes his whole life to protect Bella. His over-obsession s extremely scary.

The Hunger Games


Peeta is literally ready to DIE for Katniss. Considering he only spent a few days with her. Does Katniss even know his name? This is pity love.

10 Things I Hate About You


Patrick performs a song to woo Kat across the football stadium. The only other time we've seen this happen is in Glee.

The Proposal


Would anyone marry their boss to help them keep their working permit? Margaret gets her minion Andrew to marry her so won't get kicked out of the country for an expired Visa status.

The Wedding Singer


People don't simply get swept off their feet upon a romantic gesture. Julia leaves her fiance at the sight and sound of Robbie's romantic song.