This is no ordinary bathroom. It is a Ryan Gosling bathroom. You're going to have a lot of trouble trying to go number 2 in here.

The shrine like stall is located in a San Diego restaurant called Bang Bang.

It is located in the far corner of the women's restroom:


After you do your number 2s, you go to the shrine!

This is what ladies do when they get to the....altar.

It's probably the closest they'll get to the heartthrob.

They come here to caress him do all kinds of things to him, sadly, without his consent.

There's more:

Sometimes they get suggestive and do this:

Even famous people worship him. That's Shay Mitchell.


But it being a ladies bathroom doesn't stop guys from going there too.

Sometimes, all a guy wants to do is look at another good looking guy. No harm in that.

Somehow, this can't be the only Ryan Gosling bathroom around, we're sure.