Not getting anywhere in your career and seeing everyone move up the ladder but not you? There's a reason for this, and that reason lies in your attitude towards your job. An easier comparison and explanation of things can be seen in how your colleagues are doing things better than you, and it is really in the small stuff.


1. They come in earlier than you

Most jobs today are flexible with timing, but that doesn't mean you should take full advantage of it. If work is flexible enough for you to come in at 9.30, don't swing in at 10. Or 10.30. Efficient people get in earlier to get things done.

2. They get more work done faster, leaving them time to research and grow

Like the earlier point, the earlier you get in, the more time you have to get things done. This leaves some extra time for people to research and grow.

3. They want to grow

Those that come in to just "work" will probably never get anywhere because they're not keen on learning what they do and the effect of it on the entire supply chain. I've worked with a few people who refused to learn all of that despite working for years. The refusal to accept a willingness to learn may be the reason why you've been stuck in the same position, doing the same things, all these years.

4. They read more

A good leader is a good reader. We're not talking about reading short internet articles, but rather the more meaty stuff like fiction and story books and more. Reading pushes your imagination. Don't just rely on quick links. Pick up a book or two today.

5. They expose themselves to more experiences and bring what they learn and apply them

Those that get more opportunities at work know how to apply whatever experiences they have to their job.

6. They are focused

If you compare yourself with another co-worker that's performing better than you, chances are you'll realize that they are much more focused compared to you. That said, one of the ways to start with this is to stop all distractions. That includes texting, and Facebooking at work.

7. They don't make excuses

Pinning the reason why you can't succeed on certain things may be a habit that's adopted widely, but it isn't actually a way for a person to grow. Externalizing is one of the major downfalls for anyone wanting to better themselves. The problem shouldn't be about how the environment is stopping you from achieving whatever goals you have, but rather how you are approaching a problem in the first place.

8. They are always fresh with ideas

I have worked with a few people who have come in to meetings empty handed. And that's a sign of a deadweight co-worker because they are either not keen on helping with the problem or not staying motivated at work. People who do better at work constantly have fresh ideas and even when they don't, they know how to critically assess fresh ideas coming from other people.

9. They are passionate

This sounds like a sweeping statement, but having passion is what gets you recognized in a work place. This can be in the form of offering examples, solutions to problems, making things more efficient and more. Don't just do the work you're paid for. Going the extra mile will pay off. Big time.

10. They aren't here just for the paycheck

While having an attractive pay package is enough motivation to perform at work, don't think of the money. Think of the goals. The KPIs. And the results you want to produce. After all, if you can achieve all of that, you'll probably be up for a bigger paycheck, either within your company or somewhere else.