14 Things You Have To Do Before You Have Kids
1. Travel more
Image by Murad Osmann.
You won't have time to travel much when you become a parent. Unless you can find reliable people or relatives to take care of your baby. So travel now, as much as you can.
2. Save more money
Before you have a kid, you spend on just about anything and everything. Learn to invest. Don't just spend it all. You don't want to be living hand to mouth.
3. Do something parents won't do
Something crazy. Some crazy experience like jumping off a mountain. Something you can tell your kid you've done just that. Experiences are more valuable than material things.
4. Stop drinking, if it is a problem
Even if you aren't going to be a parent just yet, or haven't decided to have kids, knowing you have a problem is the first real step. The next step: stop drinking.
5. Enjoy being married for a while
When you have a baby too early or immediately after getting married, you'll find it hard and tough to connect with your partner. It's not impossible, but it's just hard. There's more hard work involved here. So before you have kids, bask in your marriage. Enjoy your partner's company. Get to know them all over again.
6. Go for tons of dates
And even more when you have kids! Because the only way to keep the spark alive is to spend quality time with your partner.
7. Establish your career
You don't have any distractions now. So go at it like a boss. Reach for the top, or as much as you possibly can.
8. Learn a new skill
You've got tons of time. Don't waste it all on the couch. Learn something new.
9. Be spontaneous
You don't have to worry about feeding times or if your kid needs to sleep because you don't have one yet. Do something crazy. Be spontaneous!
10. Have some alone time
You'll never be able to have alone time, or not much of it when a diaper needs to be changed. So go at it with full swing now. Spend some time alone, and reflect. Enjoy your own company.
11. Meet up with more friends
You're going to be very lonely when you have a kid. The fact is, your life is on a schedule that will make it hard to go out, meet up with anyone and more. To avoid that, build your real life social network now. Go out more. Meet more friends. You need them. They need you too.
12. Read up about babies and parenting
To avoid being a crazy parent, read up on parenting, and babies. Know that not every baby is the same, which is what makes everyone unique. It's crazy beautiful. Sometimes the best thing to do is to calm the fuck down.
13. Appreciate your own parents
They may be goofy in their eyes. But deep down, you know they must have been as wild and crazy as you back in the day. Appreciate them. Know what they've gone through to bring you up. It wasn't always like that.
14. Go to as many parties as you still can
Just have fun. Lots of it. And not that having a baby isn't fun. It's just a whole different level of fun. Enjoy what you could do when you were young, and still can before your little one defines what fun means to you at whatever stage of your life.
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