The 'OL' look is the ultimate sexy. Even women know it, but why do men love it so much? The basic reasoning behind it is this: you don't need to show off lots of skin to be attractive. Here are 8 reasons:

1. A woman in office attire is perceived as more attractive than one in a bikini.


While I'm all-in for looking at women in bikinis, I'd much prefer staring at women in office attire. Because the art of being truly sexy is knowing just how much skin to bare and what to keep under wraps.

2. It proves women don't really need men to succeed. And we're attracted to that.


It may just be an illusion, but the choice of clothing can make a difference in the perception of substance. A woman who doesn't need you to succeed is far more attractive than one that depends on you.

3. It shows off a woman's ability to look sexy, confident and powerful at the same time.


Nothing is hotter than a woman knowing her way around work. While clothing choices shouldn't be the reason for this, it does accentuate the notion that they are. It works in men as well. Would you feel confident in unfitting and bad fashion choices?

4. It balances the power of authority against the allure of camaraderie.


The OL look has the ability to weed out less-than-deserving friendships, unless otherwise required to. Sometimes, you're just not sure if a woman in OL look will want to be your friend. Or even if you deserve to be her's in the first place.

5. Modesty is the best dress policy.


Our bodies aren't for everyone to see, and not showing tons of skin seems to say they've got more to offer than just looks or what's underneath.

6. It exudes competence, intelligence and judgment.


The best part about the OL look is that it doesn't demand attention. Provocative dressing tends to paint a picture of a person not being confident of other qualities other than their looks.

7. Men are attracted to..power.


Men may love the "young and sexy hot thing", but it is power they are really attracted to. Power in this sense is really about intellectual stimuli. A woman who grows consistently and has something new to share is definitely more attractive.

8. Better dressed people are more pleasant to deal with (at first sight)


Here's common sense: you wouldn't want to deal with someone who dresses frumpy now would you? Research shows that women who are well-dressed get better service, somehow. A study found that they receive the friendliest, and in some cases, fastest service from people.

This sums up every guy:
