If you've ever had a friend from overseas come to visit, you've no doubt probably tried to feed them some of the local delicacies here. Perhaps you wanted them to try something really unique. Like durian. A foreigner's nose and tongue are not built to withstand its overwhelming awesome. Here are the common reactions you get from them.

1. Are you trying to poison me?


Don't be so melodramatic.

2. Did something died in here?



3. I can't stand the smell!


image via

Don't worry. You'll come around.

4. Is this really a fruit?

Yes, dude. It is.

5. Are you sure this is edible?

It is the best!

6. It has spikes for a reason.


Which makes it more awesome.

7. It smells like car tires.


That is a weird thing to say.

8. You eat that with..rice?


Unbelievable, isn't it?

9.  I can..stand it.


After a while, it will taste good.

10. It tastes completely different from its smell. Give me more!


You are a believer now. Welcome! 

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This post was brought to you by Celcom, gladly bringing all your special moments to show your love for our country this Merdeka.