It's Merdeka time, and you know what that means: touching ads that foster unity. Two companies have released theirs already and in some weird coincidence, they look almost identical. Here are 5 theories as to how they got to be like that.

First spotted by the eagle-eyes at Cilisos, they break down the ads to how similar they were. Watch the two of them below before we continue. Maxis' ad is on the left, and Digi's is on the right.

Now let's go on to the theories, because there's really no such thing as coincidence.


1. The script was an old one and passed around to clients who couldn't make up their mind, until the last minute.

Very possible..

2. The guy who pitched the idea left the agency servicing either client and went on to service the other client

If no one was throwing the idea around...why not?

3. The guy who pitched the idea, who left the agency servicing either client, didn't think the previous client would use the idea

Because there was no confirmation, perhaps?

4. Someone might have forwarded the proposal, and changes were made.

Or quite possibly shared a similar idea to a few parties, who then improvised.

5. The directors for both ads...are the same person.

Only Fringe science can explain this.

There really isn't an explanation to this coincidence, at least, not to our knowledge.

So who won? Our choice: Maxis. Somehow, getting an outsider to remind us of how we unknowingly bond with everyone around us on a daily basis seems to be more effective. Either way, both ads were great.

Happy Merdeka!