Not everyone is a morning person. But it doesn't have to be like that. You eventually have to morph into a semblance of a responsible adult one day. And being up in the morning is part of it. Here are 9 things you can do to be better at this whole morning thing.

1. Sleep earlier


Skip the late night movie and snacking. Instead, hit the sack earlier. Your body is in need of much dire sleep.

2. Go to a brighter room


Studies have shown that light can kick start the chemicals that tell your brain it is time to get up and get with your day. Get some sunlight, or don't linger in dark rooms.

3. Do some light exercise


Light exercises in the morning sound like hell, but in fact, it is good for your body. Your first few attempts at it will make you feel terrible, but after awhile, your body will love all that oxygen you're pumping in your system.

4. Eat some breakfast


Some breakfast is energy for the rest of the day. Don't skip it.

5. Make your bed


You can back your brain by making your bed, signalling you won't be going back to bed. Try it out. It'll work out.

6. Take short naps so you won't be too tired


Naps throughout the day have been shown to rejuvenate energy levels. Take 10-20 minute naps when you can. It'll be helpful.

7. Establish a routine


Drink some water the moment you get up. And then do a couple of chin-ups and push-ups. After that, start making your breakfast. Shower. Then eat. Then get ready for work.

8. Take a cold shower


Nothing says wake-me-the-hell-up like a cold shower. It might not be the best way to have a good morning, but it may also be healthy for you.

9. Don't press snooze


Everyone is tempted to hit snooze. Don't do it. Create a system for yourself, rewarding yourself when you don't hit the snooze button. Sooner than later, you won't be needing it. 
