Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do. But once you're on a roll, you're on a roll, right? That's far from the case. In fact, there's more to that story. The act of losing weight itself is a never-ending journey that involves frustration and rewards. Sometimes if you're lucky, more towards rewards.

1. It is not going to be easy.


You'll have to brace yourself for this: you won't lots of weight in 1 week, or 2, or 3. It'll take much longer. And you'll just have to keep at it, despite not really seeing much change.

2. Getting started is the hardest.


You might end up procrastinating, and then feeling lazy again and lose the desire and urge to workout. Everyone's been here. You've got to dive in with this one.

3. Discipline is hard to maintain.


So you finally started working out. But the harder part is really about sticking to a routine. Without it, it would be just as useless as drinking one glass of water a day to stay hydrated. Create a routine. Stick to it. Have some discipline.

4. There will most probably be a backlash.


At some point, you might be tempted to just take a break for a while because you're no longer extremely overweight. You're just large, but still smaller than before. So you feel it would be okay to take a break. Everyone has made this mistake before. When you find yourself here, you'll have to start back at 1.

5. You might accept your current state as your best

Say you don't gain any more weight after this and you're also not really losing anymore either. At this point, you might end up accepting your current state as your personal best. Don't do this. Try to get out of accepting the status quo. There's a chance if you don't keep your eye on the ball, you'll put on all that lost weight again.

Losing weight shouldn't be difficult, but it is. Find a buddy to do it with you. Or find motivation to do it. Or hack your brain into preferring healthy food. After all, losing weight isn't just about exercising.
