
There are more ways to influence someone than by just talking to them. But if you prefer not to use the spoken word, then here are some Jedi mind tricks you can use. We don't guarantee the results, but try them long enough and they might actually work.

1. Tell if someone is interested in you by looking at their feet

Facial expressions can be kept in check, but most people won't pay attention to their feet. If they are pointed directly toward you, it is a sign of genuine interesting.

2. Color can give the illusion of trust and power

The color blue will make you seem trustworthy, conservative, secure and clean. Red will give off power, energy and danger and inspire the feeling of passion and love.

3. Tilt your head to take charge

The more you bow your head, the more submissive you seem. The more you tilt it back, the more dominant you appear.

4. Take up a lot of space to feel powerful

Spread out. Powerful people take up a lot of space. From their arms to legs, they also make broad gestures and generally fill a room.

5. Make someone say yes or agree with you by nodding your head

Nods..are like yawns. They are contagious. If you nod your head as you ask your 'yes' questions, you are likely to get a nod along. Unless of course, you're asking for something really really dumb.