Yesterday the Internet broke when they saw Jennifer Lawrence and a whole lot of other celebrities nude because of a hacker who leaked them all out online. Bryan Hamade, a 27 year old, is being blamed for it.

Some Redditors and security researchers are pointing their fingers at Bryan Hamade. A post circulating Imgur, has a screenshot of the leaked picture folder, which accidentally exposes Bryan Hamade's hard drive and network drive.


Hamade claims that he isn't the one behind this. According to Buzzfeed .

“I am not behind this. It was so stupid — I saw a lot of people posting the actual leaks and bitcoin addresses and I’ve read a lot about bitcoin and how they’re are valuable and I thought, oh cool I’ll get free bitcoins,” he told BuzzFeed.

“I am just an idiot who tried to pull one over on 4chan and lost big time and stupidly left this identifying information. They took my proof and back traced it — it isn’t remotely true. I am not a hacker. I have no idea how the hell someone could hack into all those accounts,” he said.

Is Hamade the hacker and leaker? More updates to come.