Being an entrepreneur isn't easy. Apart from always striving to make your product or service the top of its class and successful, you've also got to think about future product line-ups and how to make your business more efficient. Do you have what it takes to be one or are you just a wantrepreneur?

There are thousands of people aspiring to entrepreneurs and think they have a winning idea. The only difference between them and real entrepreneurs is that they never even start up.

1. You are actually lazy.

If you find yourself putting off things to do for the next day, you aren't actually doing yourself any favors. Stop procrastinating! If you don't act on your idea immediately, someone will come up with an even better one and leave you far behind.

2. You worry too much about ideas.

Most people want their ideas to be perfect. But in truth, there can never really be a perfect idea. Facebook isn't perfect. Twitter isn't perfect. The list goes on. While striving for perfection is a good quality to have, it shouldn't be the thing that stops you from executing and rolling your idea out. Instead, continue to strive for perfection by improving your product along the way. Listen to feedback and see how you can make it much better than before.

3. You worry about capital.

The major issue for people who are wantrepreneurs are those worrying about the capital to get things done. But here's something interesting: a lot of successful companies did not have funding when they started. In fact, they were all bootstrapped. Don't let money be the major worry to your product. Work on it. Make it useful and interesting from people. Pool your resources to fund it and work towards your goals.

4. You fear failure.

Every entrepreneur has failed in some form. The only difference is that they learn from failure and emerge more successful after. Failure is actually a good thing, because it means you've been doing something wrong, and you've got to change your strategies already. Not being able to learn from it will be the death of your company. Don't fear failure. Embrace it. Act fast and learn from it.

5. You make tons of excuses.

Externalizing is a common human behavior. We tend to want to blame everything around us for our failures. The economy, the lack of resources, and more. Stop complaining. Stop making excuses. Even if the problem stems from external factors, a real entrepreneur will work around problems and address whatever that isn't working. You've just got to hustle.