The 21st century is seeing some really interesting names popping up. People are naming their kids from Shining Chan to Hashtag Brown and more. But are these parents dooming their kids to an unsuccessful life?


1. It determines the likelihood of you getting hired and where you work

Names that were common were viewed as more likable and were more likely to be hired according to this study. Names that sounded proper, and not like "Chanel" and "Hermes", were found to get more callbacks than candidates with weird sounding names. 

2. It might determine or influence our choices

If your name sounds like it was for kings or queens, there's a possibility you might find yourself working in a high-ranking position. You could also be more likely to work in a company that matches your initials or for something that has something in common with your name.

3. It tells others of our social class, ethnicity, education level and more


James Bond? All class.

Our names make a difference because the world makes assumptions about our class in society. While not all are correct, you quite often don't see someone with a regal sounding name doing Jackass videos. It can exert unconscious influence over a person's own choices too and even suggest a strong relationship with delinquency if your name is unpopular.

4. It might determine if you are an impulse spender

If your name is closer to the end of the alphabet, research shows that you'll be more susceptible to spending more money. Which means, every promotional marketing material might have some kind of effect on you.

5. You might have more friends depending on your name.

Why couldn't he pronounce Idina instead?

If your name doesn't sound weird, and is easy to pronounce, you might find yourself with more friends than most. This study notes that people with easier to pronounce names have higher-status positions at work. Something that's not hard on the tongue always seems better, simply because it is easier to understand.

Here's a video showing how one man changed his name from Jose to just Joe and just how fast he was called in for an interview.

Sadly, the name is the game.

Bonus: Check out Key & Peele's Substitute teacher skit below: