This is Jasmine Tridevil (not her real name). According to her, she was rejected by 50 doctors before she found one that was willing to give her a third boob. Because who in their right mind would want to look like that chick from Total Recall.

Looks gross:


Even in cosplay this looks kinda weird. (This isn't her)


In a radio interview, she explains that the surgery cost $20,000. Now her mom won't talk to her and won't let her sister talk to her and her dad is unhappy. She said it is not just about fame.

Her reason for the third boob: "I got it because I wanted to make myself unattractive to men. Because I don't want to date anymore."


Check out the video:

This is clearly a surgery that shouldn't be done and Jasmine definitely has a case of body dysmorphia disorder.