The term beer goggles refers to when one is in the inebriated state of drunkenness, finds a physically unattractive person to appear beautiful. In other words, that's just a big butt load of B.S.

While a small amount can make other people seem more attractive, they have to at least be slightly attractive to begin with. Here are of our arguments:

1. First of all you can never be too drunk to find someone attractive.


2. Because if you are, this would be you.


3. The only reason you quote 'beer goggles' is to get you out of a stupid decision you made


4. Alcohol doesn't really give you real beer goggles.


If she's hot to begin with, she's hot all the way.

Going to bed with Halle Berry only to wake up to Danny Devito? We don't buy that at all.

5. It makes you stupid instead.


6. Women generally don't want to make out with someone who's really drunk


7. Men as well.


8. Sometimes, peer pressure makes you quote beer goggles


9. Which means you're actually a pushover because you can't decide what you like for yourself


10. The only time beer goggles are real is when realized you drunk dialed your ex the next morning.
