
There comes a time in every adults life when they must admit that they like toys. As you grow up, you likely suppressed the desire to play. People told you that adults didn't play with toys. People told you that adults went out, got jobs and made a life for themselves.

That is boring, though, and being an adult is hard work. Who wants to work in an office all day long? That's right, nobody. When you do get some time away from your desk, you need a break. Don't let your inner child die. Instead, let him or her out to play and relish in these cool children's toys that adults secretly love.

Anything with a remote control

There is something exciting about being able to control something without moving. Whether it's a remote control kite or a remote control helicopter, you want one, and you want one right now. Remote control cars are the basic level of these toys, but you want more. Anything that can fly will do the trick. Get something like a remote control aeroplane so that you can let your imagination fly away.

Retro classics and collectables

The great thing about retro classics and collectables is that they take us back to our childhoods. Whilst the games today might be intriguing; there is something about retro games that is just so appealing. Whether it's a model of the Flying Scotsman or an old school yoyo, having a retro toy is awesome. Many people shy away from collecting toys as they think people will think they are childish. In reality, collecting toys could make you a huge profit and is loads of fun. Those people won't think you're childish when you make loads of money selling collectables online now, will they?


No matter what anybody in the world says, robots are cool. Whether it's a robot dog or a robot person, you want one of these things in your home. You imagine that the robot will do your laundry, tuck in your kids and feed your pets. It won't. In fact, it won't do much. It will likely just walk around when you press a button. Regardless of that sorry fact, you still long for the cold steel (or plastic) of a robot friend. The point is that when we were young robots were wind-up toys. Now toy companies are developing software to create futuristic robots. That in itself is fascinating, and we can't wait.

Crazy fancy dress costumes

Here's a little secret for you. No matter how old you get, you will always love dressing up in costume. Why do you think adults love Halloween so much? There is something creative and wild about putting on a costume and pretending to be somebody (or something) else. It's cute to dress a kid up as a pumpkin for Halloween, but you want to be the one wearing that costume. Have a costume party and let all your friends know that it's okay to express their inner child.

Toy instruments

You know what’s great about toy instruments? Everything. When you're an adult, you have to get serious-looking instruments that are just plain boring. Children get the coolest stuff, which just isn't fair. You shouldn't hide the fact that you want a Spongebob Squarepants ukulele or a Lion King guitar. There’s no shame in it. Go out there and get yourself one. Music should be fun and engaging, not serious and dull. Get bright, interesting instruments and play them with pride. It makes no sense that children's instruments are more attractive than adults. Get something to brighten your day and enjoy playing it.

image flickr