Most guys know this, but will still try no matter what: when someone doesn't reply you, it is time to move on. So why can't we move on? Comedian Aziz Ansari experienced this when he tried to hit on Blake Lively over texts.

Yes, this Blake Lively.


And this Aziz Ansari.


Aziz stopped by the Howard Stern show and reminisced about the time he met Blake Lively. They exchanged numbers and he decided to text her.

"Hey, it's Aziz. The Animal dinners are over now unfortunately, but I will show you photos from when I went. It was very tasty. Are you going to the Met Ball?

He didn't get a response.


A few days later he ran into her at The Met Ball and saw her hanging out with Karl Lagerfeld. He sent her this:

"Hey, it's Aziz. Please tell Karl he needs to call me, it's been too long since we bro'd out."

No response.


He tried again:

"I'm going to the Boom Boom Room for that after party. Hopefully this is your number? Either way, good seeing you."

Then she finally texted him back:

"Hey, maybe I'll see you. So weird, Karl was just saying how bummed he was to miss you."

It was pretty much downhill from there. No reply after that. He sent a few more texts but she didn't reply. 


Here's the interview. Give it a listen: