Ed Sheeran used to be homeless. He would sleep outside Buckingham Palace for a couple of nights. Thank goodness for Taylor Swift, right?


He revealed that he slept outside for two and a half years before becoming a superstar. In his book, Ed Sheeran: A Visual Journey.

I didn’t have anywhere to live for much of 2008 and the whole of 2009 and 2010, but somehow I made it work. I knew where I could get a bed at a certain time of night and I knew who I could call at any time to get a floor to sleep on. Being sociable helped. Drinking helped.


He crashed on friends' sofas a lot, and even spent some nights outside the Queen's residence:

There was an arch outside Buckingham Palace that has a heating duct and I spent a couple of nights there. That’s where I wrote the song ‘Homeless’ and the lines ‘It’s not a homeless night for me, I’m just home less than I’d like to be.’


Thankfully, that lucky break came.