This is Kelly Lee Dekay, a modern day Betty Brosmer. The reason for the comparison? She's got an impossibly tiny waist: 16 inches! 2 inches smaller than Brosmer's. The reason for that: she wears a corset to reshape her body.

The technique known as "tight-lacing" gave her a 16-inch waist.

She wore it for seven years.

She even wore it while hiking. She wore it for the artistry and the feeling she has while wearing them.

She told Cosmopolitan once, that she didn't consult a doctor when she began wearing one.

Of course, things are different now. She visits a doctor regularly to make sure everything is okay.

Tight-lacing can damage internal organs, but it seems that Kelly is doing okay.

She often poses in costumes like these:

She's also a self-described "glamour activist".

Here's a a few more shots of her:

You can follow her on Instagram here.