It’s easy to fall into bad habits and this is especially true for men. However, taking care of your appearance is crucial. Attractiveness is proven to increase your likelihood of being promoted at work. It improves your chances of finding a partner. More importantly, looking good and taking care of yourself will go along way to feeling good. When you feel good, it radiates from you and you lead a happier life.

Taking good care of your appearance also leads to a healthier lifestyle. Taking care of yourself is a good habit to get into and it will sneak into your everyday life. Follow these tips and make them a part of your routine. You will immediately notice the difference in your personal and professional life.

Thanks to Ruben Perez for the image


Grooming is no longer a taboo for men. It is acceptable and encouraged. Before you can even consider the clothes you wear, you must get the basics right. Get your hair cut regularly to keep it looking sharp. Even if you have a longer style, it needs regular attention to avoid split ends. Wash, exfoliate and moisturise on a daily basis. When your skin looks healthy it creates a warm and confident glow in your face. Finally, keep your facial hair trimmed and neat.

Hair styling

Your hairstyle is one of the first thing people notice about you. It says a lot about your personality. Make sure you have it cut once a month. Don’t be afraid to ask your stylist what style would look good on you. It’s important to find a style that works with your hair type, colour and face. The right haircut can make a huge difference. Use the right product for your hair too. If you have dry hair, use specialised products. When using styling creams, get advice on the best product.

Your wardrobe

Now it’s time to consider your clothes. Jeans and a t-shirt can work for you, but consider other options too. Before you even decide a style, it’s important to get the sizing right. Always try clothes on and take a few different sizes into the dressing room. A good fitting shirt changes everything. Discover what colours look best on you and stick to them. The general rule for male clothing is simple and sophisticated. However, if you have a more creative personality you can try brands like Thomas Gun for a more stand-out look.

Posture and body language

Finally, consider the way you present yourself. People are drawn to confidence and control. Your posture and body language does the work for you here. Make sure that you stand straight. Avoid hunching or slouching. Regular exercise can help with this. Always make eye contact with people when they are speaking to convey interest and intrigue. Don’t forget to smile. While some people love the dark, moody look, most people are drawn to those that make them feel comfortable. A smile welcomes people to you.

Remember, a good appearance will boost your confidence. It will help you progress at work and in your personal life. Take the time to look after yourself and find clothes that work for you. Most of all, smile and act confidently. You notice the change immediately.