Nordic Light Hotel is perfectly situated in the middle of the city of Stockholm, and it has about 175 rooms in various categories and a vibrantly illuminated lobby with lighting in constant flux. The hotel opened in 2001, but the lighting has been revamped this year by Stockholm's renowned lighting designer, Kai Piippo. The special thing about this hotel is it accepts personal social networks as currency.  


The basis of the discount which you can enjoy is explained as follows:


5,000 followers or more = 5% discount
10,000 followers or more = 10% discount
15,000 followers or more = 15% discount
100,000 followers or more = 100% discount

500 private friends or more = 5% discount
1,000 private friends or more = 10% discount
1,500 private friends or more = 15% discount
2,000 private friends or more = 100% discount
100,000 fans or more = 100% discount

They really value your online connection. Check out for more of the offer HERE.