The end scene of The Dark Knight Rises shows Alfred seeing Bruce in Italy left much speculation about the fate of Bruce. Was Alfred dreaming? Did it really happen? Before we go into details, let's recap again.


Check out the scene and skip to the 4:20 mark.

Some theories were that Alfred was dreaming, because he spoke earlier over a recurring dream of his, seeing Bruce happy in a cafe somewhere in Italy. So was it all a dream? Christian Bale interprets the ending of it:

“[Alfred] was content with me being alive and left because that was the life he always wanted for him. I find it very interesting and with most films, I tend to say ‘It’s what the audience thinks it is.’ My personal opinion? No, it was not a dream. That was for real and he was just delighted that finally he had freed himself from the privilege, but ultimately the burden, of being Bruce Wayne.”

What do you think? Still a dream? Or not?