Like every other festive season, Chinese New Year requires a lot of prep. While you can still survive and have a good holiday even if you're the last-minute kind of person, there are things you should really do as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Here's a checklist of things to do now to have a stress-free holiday:

1. Booking restaurants

They don't look like this all the time. image via

Every Chinese restaurant is going to be fully booked whether it's lunch or dinner. If you're late, you'll have no choice but to end up in a sub-par one, eating sub-par food. And while you can complain, you really don't have the right to. So don't wait till you're a few weeks close to the season. Do it now!

2. Buying mandarin oranges and snacks

Good not cheap, cheap not good.

Mandarin oranges may be available in large quantities, but you've probably noticed how the price goes down every other day. The reason for that could be that people are just trying to get rid of their stock, or trying to make a quick buck selling lousy not-so-tasty ones. And a CNY without Mandarin oranges? Sacrilege, friend. Sacrilege.

As for snacks, don't expect people who make the delicious sweets that make you full of regret after the season to make them on demand, or maybe a week before the first day. These are small businesses, or people with a baking hobby that capitalize on that one time of the year they can make lots of money from their passion. Do it now!

3. Libations

The family friendly kind and the ones people get merry on sell out fast. There's probably not enough of it, so just make sure you buy enough for a party, but buy it fast!

4. Buying new clothes

14 new outfits. Yay!

Do you really need new clothes? The old school way of thought is that a New Year should be ushered in with new-everything, and if you subscribe to this belief, then just do it quick. Reason being: the malls and roads would be more jammed up than usual because everyone is just a last minute shopper.

5. Changing money


Here's an important tip I wished I received much earlier: get your notes changed from the bank. Because who wants an old and dirty note? (Okay, sure money is money, and I'll be the first to say I'll take a crumpled up dirty RM100 note.) But appearance means a lot, and in the spirit of new-everything, wouldn't it be NICER to give away new notes?

6. Getting ang pow packets

via etsy
Just like changing your old notes to new ones, you'll want to get this year's ang pow packets. Unless you don't mind committing the season faux pas of giving The Year of The Horse red packets in The Year of the Goat, then by all means, just use the leftover-new ones from last year.

7. Going to the salon or beautifying up


By now you should know just how long and fast your hair grows, and how to maintain it for a certain period of time. Going to the salon just before the festive season can mean higher rates of services.

8. Planning your open-house


If you're an adult, you'll appreciate people letting you know before-hand of your open-house party. After all, who likes a last minute or a just-came-to-mind kind of invitation? Let your friends or family know early. Please!

9. Or your last-minute getaway


Assuming you're thinking of getting away for a short holiday during the festive season, you should have done this even before reading this article. But if not, you're out of luck, so bookmark this article so you'll remember to do this earlier next year.