Adult film actress Lacey Lorenzo's grandmother doesn't know she works as one for a living. So when she got into an argument with a server over the plates being dirty, the waitress outed her: 'At least I don't get my tits out on TV.'

This is Lacey Lorenzo pictured below. Her real name is Rachel Hobbs, and she was celebrating her 21st birthday. She got into an argument with a server when she complained about the plates being dirty.


The waitress yelled back "At least I don't get my tits out on TV" in front of Hobbs' family.


Of course, Hobbs' grandmother doesn't know what she does for a living. According to Daily Mail:

They gave us dirty plates. They had bits of dried food stuck to them. When I said, “Excuse me, these plates are dirty,” the staff had such bad attitude that they just grabbed them back. I said, “That is not very good customer service,” and the waitress shouted out in front of everybody, “At least I don’t get my tits out on TV.”

“It’s just my job. My nan didn’t even know about my job until then but they obviously knew who I was in there. … It ruined my birthday. I was crying. I just wanted to have fun on that day.”

Hobbs then lost her temper and police were called. The restaurant eventually issued an apology for the waitress' unprofessional comments:

We apologise to Rachel or her family for any upset caused and for the unprofessional comments made by a member of our team. We have investigated the complaint fully and are dealing with the employee involved. Our manager apologised unreservedly to the family at the time and also waived the meal bill as a gesture of goodwill.

Guess she's not going back there ever.
