Chinese New Year is coming and you're going to need some superpowers to survive the holidays. The villains you'll fight against are the fantastic snacks that are going to make you put on weight and the annoying questions distant relatives are going to ask you. Here are a couple of simple brain hacks that work:

1. If you're looking for something. start from right to left. You are trained to look from left to right, so you are more likely to skip over things if your eyes scan in that direction.


Very useful for when you're looking for a specific something to wear.

2. Expressing vulnerability is a way to get people to help you. Just say "I need your help." Most people won't deny someone who explicitly needs them.


If you're too lazy to get something done, get a younger cousin to do it. If you're the youngest, saying "I need your help" automatically works.

3. Dressing well, having good posture and hair gives people the impression you are of good social status, have a great job and basically everything about you is awesome.

The heat will kill you if you wear this.

A good extra ammo if someone asks you any of these questions.

4. Make people more relaxed around you by matching their posture and position. Monkey see, monkey do.


For some people, you see your extended family once a year. Sometimes, it can be awkward. Break the ice a little!

5. Throw someone off their game in sports or competitions by asking them to break down what they're doing so well. Over thinking will likely make them fail more often.


Good for some after-dinner games.

6. Nod your head while you talk, it makes people more inclined to agree.


Once again, a good tactic for after-dinner games or when you just want someone to agree to stop asking you silly questions.

7. People only tend to notice things they are looking for. Throw them off a scent by offering them something they think they are looking for.


A great way to sneak away that lovely snack you've been dying to devour all by yourself.

8. Screw up someone's counting pattern by rambling numbers in a pattern. Their brain will latch onto it like a virus.


We're certain this only works if it time-sensitive.

9. Posture can have an effect even on yourself. Spread your arms and legs as far as you can for 2 minutes a day to get a large boost of testosterone and other confidence boosting chemicals.


After all, the new year is about the new you. And the new you is a better you!