In today's weird news, here's a woman by the name of Kim Anami. She travels the world a lot, and she's a life coach. She goes to some of the most exotic places in the world giving relationship advice. She also does weight-lifting, with her vagina. Say what?!

The sex expert who went viral last year with her unconventional advice on "vaginal kung fu" started a hashtag called #ThingsILiftWithMyVagina

She wanted to highlight just how strong a woman's vagina can be.

“A strong and articulate vagina has many benefits for women, and I wanted to educate people about them in a playful and provocative way.”

She's lifted things like surfboards, doughnuts, and more, and Instagramming them.

Clearly, this looks like a painful stretch.

“I want every woman to know that she, too, can shoot ping pong balls from her vagina,” she added. “It’s not just a skill set reserved for some special Thai vaginas.”

What an interesting woman, to be honest.

Check out her vaginal kung fu advice below: