We make all kinds of rules for kids and demand they follow the regime we've set out for them. And it's all for a good thing. We want them to grow up with good character and values. The only problem: we don't even practice any of these things as adults!

1. Sleep more


We tell our kids to go to sleep all the time. That's because sleep is important for their development. And also, you need that one-two hour window to do something non-kid related.

But as adults: You stay up way too late yourself and most of the time don't even do anything productive.

2. Watch less TV


We tell our kids to stop watching so much TV, and maybe find a hobby or go outside to play or whatever. Or read a book. Because that's more important.

But as adults: Who can resist not binge watching the entire season of House of Cards? Who??

3. Don't play with your phone or tablet


You tell them to stop playing with their phones or tablets, and restrict usage during dinner time and family time. It's all good, because you're actually doing something right as a parent.

But as adults: You're the biggest hypocrite. You take your phone out at any opportunity you get.

4. Sit up straight


Good posture is important, and if only we'd listen to mom when we were younger. Now, while slouching, we're telling kids to sit up straight. Hopefully they'll listen.

But as adults: You read how good posture affects everything from confidence to health, but you don't actually do it yourself. You have to make a conscious effort, unfortunately.

5. Make your bed


A made bed is lovely to jump back in to mess up, which makes it more inviting than an unmade one. It's also good discipline to inculcate.

But as adults: Somehow that philosophy doesn't apply to you.

6. Eat everything on your plate


We somehow don't care if kids don't really like what they're eating, after all, they don't know what they like at a young age. So we tell them to finish their plate.

But as adults: If our tastebuds don't agree with something, it's highly likely we'll be leaving it on the plate.

7. Always tell the truth


Telling the truth is a good thing, especially when you're a kid. It's also really important because you need to know what's going on in their lives, and sometimes it could be out of control.

But as adults: You lie just about at any opportunity you can get because it's easier, and you don't want to get in trouble and more. Sometimes you lie because the truth hurts more.

8. Control your temper


You tell your kids to not go batshit crazy over the slightest things. And you do this, time and time again when they throw a tantrum in hopes that it will drive the point of being-in-control-is-better home.

But as adults: If only you listened to your own advice. CTFD. Nothing is as bad as it seems.