Cheating on your significant other is getting tougher these days because everyone around you is a paparazzo and everyone is connected to the Internet. So imagine the horror when a wife in Christchurch, New Zealand discovered her husband was having an affair when photos and videos of his infidelity was posted online and all over social media.

The man was caught cheating with a coworker late at night in their office. The office building was located across the street from Carlton bar and revelers at the pub caught sight of the duo and took out their phones to start taking photos and videos.


Little did they know that the man was philandering with an engaged woman.


Anonymous sources told the New Zealand Herald that the man has a wife and kids.


The man and woman in the photos work for New Zealand insurance company Marsh Ltd.


The CEO of the company, Grant Milne has released a statement saying, "Marsh is very disappointed by the conduct of two colleagues at our Christchurch premises. The inappropriate actions of the two are not representative of the many professional colleagues we have at Marsh."


Cheaters always get found out!