
Ang Pow is one of the things almost everyone looks forward to every Chinese New Year up until you're married that is. In most cases, we have to be physically present to share or receive them in their usual packet form.

As you get older, you’ll start to realize that there are more ways to share or receive them.

Here are 7 new ways you can share or receive Ang Pow differently.

1. Visit your married friends

Use the excuse of the festive season to catch up with friends who are married. If it’s your turn to share Ang Pows, you’ll most likely be sharing it with their kids. Being generous doesn't mean you have to break bank to do so. Preserving tradition and instilling the spirit of sharing and happiness is more important. So go ahead and give with grace.


And if you’re not married, they're obliged to give you. Unless, you’re really old of course.

2. Have an open house to reduce travel time

There's always a designated home to visit every Chinese New Year. Instead of doing the same old routine all the time, change it up a tad bit. Invite people over to your house to reduce travel time.


Take this time to perform your Ang Pow-sharing duties. You’ll not only save time, but you’ll also cover the bulk of people you’re giving them out to.

If you're receiving, you might want to check who just got married on Facebook and invite them to your home.




3. Share custom-made Ang Pows


How often do you quickly forget who gave you which Ang Pow packet? To avoid this, you can try your hand at making crafty looking Ang Pows.

[image via]

There are tons of tutorials you can find online for this, though it will take some effort on your end to make them.

4. Go high tech and bank it into someone's account

Online transfers would be a really different way to share an Ang Pow. Of course, don't put your hopes up too high on this strategy. It'll only work if you're really close (like family) and if you're physically away (like overseas.)


Also, imagine the number of trees you're saving! After all, no one has any real use for used-Ang Pow packets, unless you’re looking at point number #3.

5. Put all your Ang Pow packets in a basket and let your guest choose themselves 

Group all the Ang Pow packets you have in a basket and mix them up and let people choose whichever one they want. Make it even more interesting by telling them one of it has a huge amount in it.


Not only will it save you time and the hassle remembering how much you're giving to whomever, it also makes things a tad fun. Definitely unconventional!

6. Share it even before CNY

There's no particular "pantang" that stops you from sharing holiday-cheer, plus it saves you a heck of a lot of time.


7. Share an Ang Pow via credit with Xpax

Another inventive way to share an Ang Pow is by sharing your credit with another using Xpax.


Sharing credit with Xpax is perhaps the most innovative, convenient and easiest way to give Ang Pow!

It’s definitely better than just bringing this:


And this:


It also makes you stand out from giving another basket filled with 8 Mandarin Oranges, 1 tin of love letters, and a bag of nuts!

It’s so easy, you won’t even need to move (well except for your fingers that is!). Here's how it works:

1. Just type in the amount you want to send

2. Type 1<recipient’s mobile number> and click send

Here’s a picture to illustrate the process:


Your shared credit could go a long way in helping someone share their joy of the festive season with others, thus making you part of someone else’s well wishes!

The best part of this: you can share it with as many people as you like (provided you have credit of course!)

It’s super simple to do. Find out more from here.

P.S.: You don't have to be married to do this.

Check out the video for the new way to share Ang Pow!

The new Lunar year ushers in on February 19, and while you may be excited about receiving Ang Pows, don't forget the true spirit of the holiday:

It's about sharing and family.

And since we are in the spirit of sharing:

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Gong Xi Fa Chai to you.