Mazda are continuing to unveil their new car in the MX-5 Miata range, the 2016 is even more silky sleek than ever and remains the jewel in the sizable Mazda crown as things stand. When it arrives in showrooms it will be the fourth generation after 25 years in production.

Anyone who has seen the recent set of photos released by the manufacturer will know what I mean when I say the Miata looks like its truly grown up with this iteration. It looks like a real beast of car as opposed to the more softly appearance of previous generations. I like it, but this won’t necessarily go down well with everyone, you get the feeling it’s appearance will be one Mazda fans either love or hate.

If those old style Mazdas are what floats your boat you can pick one up easily enough from the likes of Lifestyle Mazda, but if you go for the 2016 here’s what you’ll be getting. The car has been completely rebuild from the last version, as I mentioned the exterior is entirely new, it’s a bit lower to the ground and the weight is more evenly distributed. One point of continuity though can be found in the driving and handling.


image via flickr

Mazda has always been a manufacturer looking to give its customers a fun and smooth ride and that hasn’t changed now. The engine has been replaced in the new Miata. It now boasts an all new Skyactiv engine which it is thought will improve efficiency - but it won’t affect the driving too much. The engine will be 155 horsepower which should be plenty enough for most drivers. Combine this with the fuel efficiency and you have quite a tantalising proposition and quite an achievement.

As sports cars go the new Miata could well turn out to be a landmark. Don’t forget that the original Miata was one of the first cars to initiate a wave of interest in smaller sport cars. That consumer interest shows little sign of slowing down. So if it’s a small sports car you love then there’s little doubt you’ll love the 2016 Miata. It has the feel of a Mazda when you drive it and it has the look too, the soft top is of course back and what could be more appealing than driving on a summer day with the roof down?

It’s due out later this summer so there’s not too long to wait now for those of you who’ve been anticipating the new Miata’s release since you got bored of the third generation. All signs point to a successful release, you’ll have to brace yourself for a financial blow though as the price is expected to be higher than last time out. But in the eyes of many drivers the price will be fully justified by the great little sports car they get for their buck. It certainly looks a better offer when you compare it to the more upmarket equivalents put out by other manufacturers which could cost you more than twice as much.