Cleavage and bosom size is greatly exaggerated in Japanese anime. So much that it's quite unrealistic (and probably a burden) to have such humongous puppies on display if it were in real-life. That didn't stop some guy from creating a device that will help you achieve the so-called 'anime sized boobs' effect.

Made by Twitter user Namechiru, it is a breastplate that cosplayers can use to achieve unbelievable bosom proportions.


It is basically a bikini top or sports bra made from cloth.


It has in built breasts ranging from sizes E or G.


The product's first order was sold out almost immediately.


Could this be better than the Wonder Bra?


Though, most people would look pretty silly with breasts this big.


Unless you're going for authenticity of the character you're dressing up for of course.


Follow Namechiru here. He's giving one away to anyone who tweets it out.