As a judge on a reality TV show, you're supposed to do the same things any normal judge judging a talent show would do: give constructive criticism and feedback. The one thing you don't do is bully. In just 24 hours, New Zealand X Factor judge will show you how to lose a job when she went off on a contestant.

The reason? For allegedly copying her husband Willy Moon's look. She said she was “embarrassed to be sitting [in his] presence having to dignify that with an opinion.”


She just went on and on. Watch the video below:

Obviously, everyone was pissed at her.


On Tumblr, everyone took a shot at her and her husband.

Even the network that airs X Factor in NZ responded with a statement:

Following tonight’s episode of The X Factor NZ we received a huge amount of feedback about comments made by our judges. The nature of live television can be unpredictable and we appreciate you taking the time to voice your opinion. TV3 does not condone bullying and are currently on-site with Joe who is doing well.

Even her co-judges responded.


Then, in just 24 hours of the incident, the network fired Natalia and her husband.

Last night on X Factor both Kills and Moon made comments that were completely unacceptable. While the judges on X Factor are expected to provide critiques of the performances, we will not tolerate such destructive tirades from any of the judges… Contestants put their all into this competition and they should expect to receive feedback and criticism that is professional and constructive. We no longer have confidence that Kills and Moon are the right people to perform the role of X Factor judges and they will leave the show, effective immediately.

Never tolerate bullying. There goes her entire career.
