To think, this actually happened in real-life. And to an animal instead of a human being. What was this kangaroo thinking? This is either really sad to look at, or super hilarious. I can't decide since I'm feeling for this roo!

Humans had to come rescue this fella.


It looked like it jammed its head in pretty far up.


Really far up!


Here's the story from Adelaide Now:

Local Ian Berry, who snapped pictures of the kangaroo rescue, could not believe his eyes.

“I’d just finished a round of golf and then we spotted this big kangaroo in the paddock with its head in a watering can,” Mr Berry said.

“I got out to check if it was stuck and it certainly was.”

While Mr Berry was checking on the kangaroo, fellow Coffin Bay locals Rob Smith and Steve Dew, who had spotted the roo earlier, had returned with rope and tin cutters with the aim to set the marsupial free.

It didn't work. But they eventually snipped the bucket enough for the kangaroo to get loose.
