If you think about it, there aren't many places you can change your baby's diaper when in public. Ashton Kutcher posted a Facebook status about the lack of diaper changing stations in men's public restrooms, and now he's started a Change.org petition to make more of them around.

He expressed his frustration about this and the reinforcement of archaic gender roles through a lack of baby changing tables in men's restrooms.


He said:


"There are NEVER diaper changing stations in men's public restrooms. The first public men's room that I go into that has one gets a free shout out on my FB page! #BeTheChange."

"As a new dad, I recently learned an unfortunate reality about changing diapers while out in public with a child," Kutcher wrote in his online petition, "Almost all public changing tables are in women's restrooms, which makes it nearly impossible to find a table that's accessible to dads."


"This assumption is gender stereotyping and companies should be supporting all parents that shop at their stores equally – no matter their gender," he wrote.

The petition has gained 74,000 supporters already as of Wednesday afternoon.

Right on, man.