Do you feel like you're always attracting the wrong kind of guy? If you are, it's entirely our fault according to a new study. It sheds the light on why good looking people tend to be douchebags, but it's not for the reasons you think.

Worst still, it's not their fault either. They are the way they are because of how you treat them.


Michael Price of Brunnel University conducted a study to test how we perceive attractiveness and how that perception affects attractive people. via Mic:

The study didn’t just show that men with more attractive bodies have behavior and attitudes that are less altruistic or egalitarian; it also showed that men (and women) with more attractive bodies are perceived by other people as being less altruistic or egalitarian.


That means attractive people are more selfish and less for equality than normal people seeing that they have all kinds of social advantages that unattractive people have to work for to compensate. 


The experiment to see how a test group of people would share money and how they rated the concept of equality to how egalitarian each participant was revealed that women on average were more egalitarian than men. 


Also, society has its blame for allowing us to think that attractive people have little reason to obey social norms or treat other people as equal since society values attractiveness. Basically, you're attracting douchebags because you're acting like a douche too. 


But not all attractive people are ugly on the inside. And after all, it's not what's outside that counts.

