It looks like a lot of people will finally get to see Justin Bieber being chokehold by security staff. The 21-year-old singer was booted from Coachella after getting into a squabble with security. They obviously didn't care if he was Justin Bieber.

He and his entourage apparently tried to gain entry to the artist's area where Drake was performing but was refused by security because the area was full. According to TMZ:

Eyewitnesses [said] Bieber argued with security, saying there was no way he could stand in a big crowd because he'd get bombarded by fans. Security wasn't having it and told him to leave.

[…] At that point a Coachella staffer came up to Bieber and said she would escort him inside the artist's area. She grabbed Bieber by the arm and began walking him and his security team inside, when Coachella security came up from behind and put Bieber in a chokehold. We're told Bieber's team got into it with security and the singer was then ordered to leave the festival.

Watch the video below: