It can get pretty annoying to see nothing but baby this and baby that on Facebook, but that doesn't mean you have the right to ask someone to stop doing it so your feed is clear of these kinds of posts. A group of rude friends sent recent mother Jade Ruthven a letter asking her to quit the updates.

Here's the letter:


She was irritated by the letter, as would anyone, and then sent it to Australian comedian Em Rusciano who shared it with her thousands of followers.

Are you ready for this week's column?! One of you contacted me about a letter you'd received from some "friends" about...

Posted by Em Rusciano on Monday, April 13, 2015

People then came to support her:




If you don't like looking at baby updates from a friend, there's a friendly feature called "unfriend" in Facebook, or "unsubscribe" you can click on to hide these things from your timeline. No nasty letter necessary!


Who wouldn't want to see a cute baby update?