This is some inspiring stuff to watch. 8-year-old Alissa Sizemore won't stop at doing what she loves to do, even if that means if she's got to do it with just one leg. Nine months after her below-knee amputation, she performed this beautiful routine to Colbie Caillat's 'Try.'

She got on stage for the performance.


She said, “Dancing has been my favorite thing since I was 4,” Sizemore told People. “I don’t have part of my leg, but I can’t let that stop me. I still want to dance.”


She was playing outside with her friends in May 6, 2014 when a UPS truck ran over her right foot. The damage was so bad, doctors couldn't save her foot.


Despite having one leg, she surprisingly does a very beautiful number to the song.


Nothing is going to stop this little girl from doing what she loves.


So what's stopping you?


Watch the inspiring video below: