Murad Osmann, the man who you wished you were because he's been to and will be going to even more beautiful places around the world is back once more with his unbelievably beautiful now wife-to-be!. Here are some of the latest places they've been. The pictures below are breathtaking and beautiful.

1. Azerbaijian.

2. Plazza Duimo in Milan.

3. Roman Colosseum.

4. The Sochi Olympics.

5. NYC.

6. Santa Maria in Aracoeli Basillica.

7. Nice, France.

8. Jordan.

9. Hong Kong.

10. Rio de Janeiro.

11. Amazon river.

12. Iguazu waterfalls, Brazil.

13. Petra, Jordan.

14. Victoria Peak, Hong Kong.

15. Tbillsi, Georgia.

16. Hollywood.

17. Amer Fort in Jaipur, India.

18. Taj Mahal, India.

19. Miami beach.

20. Hotel Praktik Rambla, Barcelona.

Bonus: Here's how he proposed to her.

She said yes of course.