The wonders of underwater world have been fascinating me since I was a little boy. The calmness of the ocean’s embrace has always been a way for me to detach myself from everyday life and put all my worries into perspective. For people like me, who have been scuba diving for years,  discovering a new dive site is almost like discovering a new world.

Of course, not all sites are the same, and what makes a truly great one is the beauty of the underwater terrain itself, the richness and diversity of the wildlife and calm currents that make the site approachable for diving enthusiasts.

It is hard to name the best or most beautiful sites, because the experience itself depends on personal preferences, weather conditions, or even upon company if you decide to share your adventure, but some places are known to leave everyone, including myself, mesmerized. The following places are some of my personal favorites.


Oahu, Hawaii

One of the best known dive sites for experienced scuba divers are Oahu’s crystal clear waters. Having passed through the reef line and leaving snorkelers behind on the Inside Reef of Hanauma Bay, you’ll find yourself surrounded by Outside Reef’s pristine beauty which offers incredible visibility. A breathtaking coral garden called Witches Brew awaits on the southwest side of the bay, and while it’s inaccessible to divers during winter months, it offers an amazing exploration of lava covered underwater terrain in the summertime.


The number and diversity of dive sites in Indonesia can’t be found anywhere else in the world, since the Indonesian archipelago counts well over 18000 small islands, each more beautiful than the other. The highlights of my visits to this incredible part of the world were the exploration of the World War II supply ship Liberty, situated in the Tulamben region of East Bali and the Secret Bay near Gilimanuk. While the ship wreckage is an outstanding artificial coral reef, the Secret Bay near western Bali offers everything Indonesia’s famed underwater wildlife has to offer.


For coral reef lovers, I have another suggestion: Curaçao, the jewel of the southern Caribbean Sea. Oswaldo’s Drop-off is situated very close the shore and it offers layer upon layer of different corrals. The reef is teeming with yellowtail snappers, blue chromis and other species which makes this site an incredibly vivacious place. It also has its own shipwreck, Superior Producer, which is a delight for experienced divers.


Bonaire, part of the ABC islands, located off the north coast of South America near the western part of Venezuela, is a single place that offers a whole spectrum of various smaller sites and that makes it one of the most interesting destinations, especially if you’re planning to spend a few days or even a whole vacation there. I have enjoyed the beautiful beaches and underwater sand plains of the sites such as Pink Beach and Invisibles with their calm, crystalline waters as much as I’ve enjoyed the challenging currents of the Red Slave Huts with all the parrotfish, yellowtail snappers, angelfish and many more.

Grand Cayman

To get the most from this dive site, be prepared to rent a boat and put in a little extra effort. It will be well worth your while, as exploring Grand Cayman’s reefs is an experience second to none. For those who prefer exploring beach-accessible sites, I would definitely recommend Devil’s Grotto even though reaching it takes a longer swim.