What were you doing when you were 9? Aside from wrecking havoc in the house, the answer is pretty much this: having fun. This one kid decided that he'd like to have fun, and also make money. Lots of it.


Jared and his son Evan makes $1.3 million dollars a year. According to Metro:

Evan and his dad Jared (to maintain some privacy, they have withheld their last name), set up their YouTube channel EvanTubeHD in 2011.

Four years on, they have almost 1.4 million subscribers and have had a staggering 1.2 billion page views.

The father-son duo post up to three videos a week. Evan reviews the toys – from anything which involves Angry Birds to Elsa’s Sparkling Ice Castle – and Jared does the filming, editing and posting.

Jared says the videos started as a bit of fun and an excuse for some dad and son bonding time – until the views kept rising.

He told Fast Company: ‘When we first started the channel, we had no intention of making a cent from our videos. We didn’t even know it was possible.’

But, after Evan’s reviews started getting thousands of hits, Jared started to get a little more curious about that ‘monetise’ button available to YouTube content creators.

The popular EvanTubeHD channel has had 1.2 billion page views already!


Here's one of those videos: