Lau Yun Mee compared someone's smelly feet to The Anus of Satan, and while that may be the funniest way to describe something that's rancid and putrid, we can't help but feel for her and the assault that was done on her sense of smell. Hopefully, she'll never have to smell anything that bad anymore. We came up with a list:

1. Other people's toe jam


But to you, this smells like kittens and rainbows.

2. Vieux Boulogne cheese


Only a sophisticated nose can appreciate this cheese. This is the humdinger of fromage.

3. Jellied Moose nose


I'm holding my breath just looking at this thing.

4. Bad breath (it could be worse)


Oral hygiene is so important. This is probably worse compared to stinky feet.

5. Public transportation in the evening at rush hour


Let's just agree that spending 8-9 hours in the office doesn't do great things in the fragrant department.

6. This guy's finger:


I don't want to know where his finger has been.

7. An actual anus other than your own


Seriously, anybody's anus will smell like a gift you didn't want even if it had money in it.

8. Body odor (some people smell like Hell's hole.)


If you're reeking of a bad odor, there could be something wrong about you. Medically.

9. Smelly tofu (it tastes better than it smells, really)


But the smell. It's like you entered the home of the Goblin under the bridge and breathed in the stuff they use to ward off evil spirits.

Get those things away from me!
