We all have bad habits, but most of them don’t turn addictions. Some of them do though; that’s why you need to be aware of when you’re developing a serious addiction, whether it’s to drink, drugs or gambling.

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Who is in Control?

This is one of the big questions you need to ask yourself if you’re worried that you’re developing an addiction. If you’re no longer in control of what you do and when you do it, then your habit might be turning into an addiction. There’s no fun or enjoyment to be had if you’re a slave to an addiction.

No matter what your habit is, you can’t let it take control of you. If you start to feel like this is the case, you should first talk to someone. It’s not hard being honest and frank but it could help. When an addiction sets in, and you’re no longer in control, you’ll start to find that you’re acting out of character.

What Are the Consequences?

Unhealthy habits are not ideal to have, but as long as you’re not hurting anyone or yourself, and you’re in control, you probably feel like things are alright. But if you start to see unexpected consequences arising from your actions, you should ask yourself if what you’re doing is worth it.

It’s very common for addicts to hurt those closest to them. You might start neglecting relationships with friends and family. Or you might yourself lying to them or maybe even stealing from them to keep up your habit/addiction. These are all big warning signs, and you can’t afford to ignore them.

Do You Feel Comfortable Talking About it?

Few people are proud of their worst habits, but if you start hiding things from loved ones, it might be because you know that you’re developing an addiction. Addicts are usually ashamed of what it is they do, and this creates a vicious circle. They have no one to talk to, and then things get worst, and then they feel even more reluctant to talk to someone.

Don’t let yourself get into this cycle because you’ll find it hard to get out once you’re in. Talk to someone who can help you and make sure you have a friend you can talk to no matter how bad things get.

How to Make a Change

If you’ve come to the conclusion that your habit is not just a habit but an addiction, you should first talk to your doctor. They will then advise you on what next step is best for you. Which treatment route you take will depend on your addiction and your personal circumstances.

You could go through a detox process, visit http://www.thefirststepdetox.com/ to find out more about this. You’ll probably go through talking therapy. This is when you sit down with a group of fellow addicts going through the same thing as you and talk openly about your addiction and problems.

Going through an addiction is never easy. But you need to be honest with yourself and make sure you seek help when you need it.